Posted 09 Oct 2019
Mary Immaculate College (MIC) hosted a major international education conference exploring play and voice in education on 5 October 2019. Organised by a team from MIC, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and University College Cork (UCC), the event focussed on the potential for “play” and “voice” to revolutionise education settings from early childhood to post-primary level.
Congratulations to Mary Immaculate’s Faculty of Education on a fantastic conference exploring ‘play’ and ‘voice’ in education. Over 300 people attended the conference on Saturday where they heard from experts in ‘play’ and ‘voice’ including Professor Laura Lundy, Dr David Whitebread and Adam Harris.
The Children’s Grief Centre’s Helen Culhane, Director and Theresa Kavanagh, Support Worker participated on the day by giving a workshop on ‘The art of listening to children affected by loss through death, sepatation and divorce’.
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