At the end of each session, Tom shared his feelings. He said “I am happy. It am finding it helpful coming in here. You are helping me to understand what happened. I learn what is going on. I sort things out. I am able to get my words out.”
At the last session, the Support Worker asked Tom to complete an evaluation sheet. In it he said that what he had found most helpful was “Talking about the person. I got used to it and it helped me to talk about it with my family.”
When asked what he liked most about coming to the Centre, he said “I liked writing about my Dad. Helen helped me by saying it was OK to cry.”
Tom was asked if the sessions had made any difference in his life, and if so – could he describe the differences? He answered “The sessions made a difference to me. I am not as worried as I used to be. Thank you for helping me.”
“The most powerful validation of the work was when Tom said “I am able to get my words out.”