The Children’s Grief Centre was founded in 2009 by, Sister Helen Culhane, together with a support group of professionals. As a Sister of Mercy. a qualified social worker and psychotherapist, Helen worked with people who were struggling with issues relating to death, bereavement and palliative care. This included time spent at Milford Care Centre.
Helen’s experience meant she developed a clear understanding of the needs of children and young people who were experiencing loss. She recognised that there was a lack of services and support for children and young people who were affected by the death of a loved one. Helen also saw there was an increasing need for support of children and young people who suffer loss due to separation or divorce of parents.
Helen’s vision was that the Centre would provide children and young people with a listening ear.
The Centre is well established within the Mid-West region, serving counties Clare, Tipperary, Limerick and further afield. We have a team of trained, full time Support Workers and part-time volunteer Support Workers with experience in a diverse range of specialist fields including education, nursing, social work and psychotherapy.