Posted 20 Jun 2018
A moving & honest interview by Brendan O’Connor @brenoconnor & @CuttingEdgeRTE on Marian Finucane’s Saturday Morning Radio Show @MarianRTE on Sat last 16/06/18 with John Teeeling @TeelingWhiskey of the Teeling Whiskey Company & Virgina Kerr, international soprano and psychotherapist @virginia_kerr & Daniel McConnell @McConnellDaniel Columnist, Irish Examiner about childhood experience of bereavement and loss & the importance of listening to children. Daniel mentioned about hearing Sr. Helen talk about the need for children to be heard and the support service offered here by the Children’s Grief Centre for school aged children and young people affected by loss through death, separation or divorce.
You can listen to this broadcast below:
Daniel McConnell wrote an article in the Irish Examiner on the 24th February this year titled ‘Every child has a right to be heard’ after having listened to an interview with Helen Culhane, Director of the Children’s Grief Centre and Sean O’Rourke’s on RTE’s Radio One ‘sToday Show @todaysor. You can read more below: