Posted 23 Feb 2018
“SR Helen Culhane and Michael Noonan have been honoured at the 2017 Limerick Person of the Year awards.
Sr Culhane, founder of the Children’s Grief Centre, was awarded Person of the Year, while the long serving politician was given a lifetime achievement award at a gala function in the Clayton Hotel this Thursday, attended by over 150 people.
Now in its 17th year and sponsored by The Limerick Leader, Southern Marketing Design & Media and the Clayton Hotel, the Limerick Person of the Year Award was set up to honour the achievements and success of local people. The award was presented to Helen on Thursday 15th February, Last Clayton Hotel in Limerick. All at the centre are thrilled for Helen. Well deserved award for your years of dedication working in child advocacy. Congratulations from all the Centre.”
Click the video below to listen to Helen receiving her LIMERICK PERSON OF THE YEAR AWARD 2017